Kashmiri Dictionary

Vowel19: ں / ñ

19: ں / ñ: Nun gunah is almost similar to standard nun (ن) writing, except that it does not have a period above it, which symbolizes the nasalization of the phoneme / n /ñ. This letter is only found in the loose and ending position.

dāñ zamīn داں زٔميٖن / daa’n zameen / paddy field

āz tāñ آز تاں / aaz taa’n / until today, until now

dōrāñ dōrān (adv) دوراں دوران / doraan doraa’n / running, quickly, promptly, fast

tṻñ tṻñ تٟں تٟں /taee’n taee’n / mosquito whine

bṻñ buṻñ بٟں بٟں  / baee’n baee’n / bee’s buzz

čīñ čīñ چيٖں چيٖں / chee’n chee’n / myna screeches



کٲشِرکِتاب دۆیمہِ جمٲژ خٲطٕر (ایِڑشن ۲۰۰۶) دی جموں اینڑ کشمیر اسٹیٹ بورڈ آف اسکول ایجوکیشن
Käšír Kítāb 2006. Class (1-8) The Jammu & Kashmir State Board of School Education.
Mohammad Adnan Mahmood. Rice paddy field in Kashmir. Pinterest. https://www.pinterest.com/pin/441141725996797567/
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