Kashmiri Dictionary

Vowel14: اے / ë (ye)

14: اے / ë (ye) – [IPA /e/ ] :The sign (ێ )is placed above ( اے / y ) to indicate its palatalization. In isolation and initial position this character is preceded by Alif( ا ).

bëní بێنہِ •/ sister
bōȳ بوے /boi / brother
ṭëč ٹێچ •/ common moorhen
mëʦ مێژ •/ soil , clay
rab رَب •/ mud
hëčh ہێچھ (verb) •/ learn
lëj لێج •/ cooking pot
mëʦtīl مێژِ تیٖل •/ kerosene oil
tīl تیٖل •/ teel •/ oil
rëh رێہہ •/ flame, fire
nār نار •/ naar •/ fire
më مے •/ I, me
bü بہٕ •/ I, me

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