Kashmiri Dictionary

Vowel09: ( ُ ) , اُ / u (u)

9: ( ُ ) or اُ / u (u) – [IPA /u/] : The sign ( ُ ) ‘pēš’ is an apostrophe-like shape placed above the consonant which precedes it in pronunciation (u). It represents a short vowel u; like the English “u” in “pull” and “push”. In initial position this character is preceded by Alif ( ا ).


Related words:
Šur شُر •/ kid, baby, child
Šur bānü شُری بانہٕ •/ womb, uterus
Dŏdü šur01: دۄدٕ شُر •/ baby, child
Dŏdü šur02: دۄدٕ شُر •/ immature
Bačhí بَچہِ •/ kid, baby, child
Bačhí bānü بَچہِ بانہٕ •/ womb, uterus

Bādam kul بادَم کُل •/ almond tree

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