Kashmiri Dictionary

Vowel 06: ا ی / ī (ee)

6: ا ی / ī (ee) – ٕ[IPA /iː/] : اِ ی  is the third long vowel in Kashmiri. It also represents the consonant ‘ی ‘ (lakut yae). In medial position, the short alif ‘kishzeer’ is placed beneath ی, which precedes it in pronunciation (ee). It resembles the English “ee” in “sheep”.


Related words:

Kašmīr کَشميٖر / Kashmeer / Kashmir
Kȧšīr کٔشيٖر / Kasheer / Kashmir (country) / Kaaeshren hyund watan / کٲشرین ہُنٛد وَطَن
Käšír کٲشِر / Kaaeshir / Kashmiri (people) / Kaaeshir khalakh / کٲشِر کھَلَکھ
Kōšur کوشُر / Koashur / Kashmiri (language) /Kaaeshren hinz zabaan / کٲشرین ہِنٛز زَبان
Käšur کٲشُر (mas)/ Kaaeshur / Kashmiri (man) / Kaaeshur mohnyuv, ladku
Käšür کٲشٕر /(fem)/ Kaaeshir / Kashmiri (woman) /Kaaeshir zanaan, koor
Janath جَنَتھ / heaven

Mȧšīd مٔشيٖد / masheed / mosque
Masjíd مَسجِد / mosque

Bāng  بانٛگ / Call for Prayer. Synonym: adhan, azān, أَذَان

Nemaz نؠماز  / Prayer

1: Subuh صُبُح / Fajr

2: Peshun  پیٚشِن / Duhr

3: Digar دِگَر / Asr

4: Shām  شام  / Maghrib

5: Khoftan خۄفتَن  / Isha

š̌īn شيٖن / sheen / snow
š̌īnü br̂är شيٖنہٕ برٛٲر / wooden sled shovel , sleigh shovel
š̌īnü jan̂g شيٖنہٕ جَنٛگ / snowball fight

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