Kashmiri Dictionary

Āb – water

Āb آب / aab / water
Synonym: pūyn / pooyn / water

Related words:
ābrēz آبریز : urine
synonyms: zal, fíš, müthür, pēšāb
ābí ātaš آبِ آتَش : troš mízāz wōl / quick-tempered, irascible/
ābü dām آبہٕ دام : aabi daam – fate
āb gōš آب گوش : aab gosh /a meat stew in milk (usually cooked with beef, mutton or venison)
ābü hawa آبہٕ ہَوا : climate, weather, environment
ābí kawsar آبِ کَوثَر : river Kausar flowing in Paradise , Pond of Abundance
āb päšʸ آب پٲشی : aab paeeshi, sag dyun. aab dyun / watering(plants or trees)
āb phírun آب پھِرُن : aab phirun / to pour water, to send water flowing or falling, as from one container to another, or into, over, or on something. E.g. āb gílās phírun (to pour a glass of water)
āb tāb آب تاب : aab taab, qaraar, hes hosh / tranquility, consciousness /
āb yun آب یُن : aab yun / mouth-watering (pleasing to the sense of taste)
ābí zulāl آبِ زُلال : sāf tü šọd āb, sāf tü šafāf āb / crystal clear water, potable water

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